What Makes Helpers More Effective? Eight Skills that Improve Client Outcomes with William R. Miller, PhD & Theresa Moyers (Friday, September 22 · 9am - 12:30pm MDT)
One of the better predictors of clients’ outcomes is the professional who worked with them. This is true for counselors and psychotherapists and probably for health professionals, coaches, and educators as well. This workshop introduces eight measurable and learnable conversational skills that distinguish more effective helpers. Drs. Miller and Moyers will explain and provide practical guidance for strengthening these skills. A unique aspect will be demonstrations of skills in “real play” conversations with people on topics from their own lives. These eight skills are also core elements in the person-centered method of motivational interviewing that is now widely used in many nations and helping professions.
You can learn more and register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/what-makes-helpers-more-effective-8-skills-that-improve-client-outcomes-registration-655974396077?aff=oddtdtcreator