Entry into MINT membership is through completion of a Training of New Trainers (TNT) sponsored or endorsed by MINT. Individuals who wish to attend a TNT must submit an application, which includes descriptions of the applicant's MI learning and training experiences as well as a sample of their MI practice. The following is our working document detailing the rationale and steps needed to take in order to become a member of MINT. This is not an application form.
You will find TNT dates, locations and application announcements for our next TNTs detailed on our TNT page.
How to Become a Member of MINT
MINT and its members receive regular requests about how one can become a member of MINT. This document describes current policies and practices related to this question.
If after reading this document any questions remain, please do not hesitate to contact TNT Coordinator, Dr. Colin O'Driscoll, tnt@motivationalinterviewing.org for more support.
MINT’s Mission
The mission of MINT is to promote good practice in the use, research, and training of motivational interviewing. MINT supports the continuing learning and skillfulness of its members through meetings, open sharing of resources, communication, publications, and shared practice opportunities. Rather than seeking to limit or control the practice and training of motivational interviewing, MINT promotes quality applications of motivational interviewing across cultures, languages, and contexts.
MI is not just a clinical method to assist people in issues regarding change; MI trainers are expected to be able to adopt and model this communication style while training or coaching. MINT strongly values competency in the method itself and expects that all Training New Trainer (TNT) applicants are able to competently use the method before considering teaching it to others.
Four Foundational Values of MINT
MINT’s members come from diverse backgrounds, countries, and cultures. As of 2021, members resided in 43 countries and spoke more than 30 languages. Internationality is central to MINT’s make-up and an irreplaceable source of the richness it offers its members. Because countries vary greatly in economic development and resources, all fees MINT charges (including annual dues, application fees, and registration fees) are indexed to country of residence. Details about MINT’s Country Group Discount Guide can be found on MINT’s website, here: https://motivationalinterviewing.org/discount-guide-mint-members
Training for New Trainers (TNT) workshop
The current way to be eligible for membership in MINT is by completing a TNT workshop that is either sponsored or endorsed by MINT. After fully completing a TNT, the participant is becomes a member of MINT.
Once a year MINT organizes (sponsors) an international TNT. Participants from all over the world are welcome to apply for participation. The language of these workshops is primarily English, although additional parallel TNT groups may be offered in other languages.
MINT also endorses TNT workshops hosted by groups that include members of MINT. MINT-Endorsed TNTs have been organized in Australia (English), Austria (German), Canada (English), Denmark (Danish), Estonia (Estonian), France (French), Hong Kong (Chinese), Japan (Japanese), South Korea (Korean), Norway (Norwegian), Poland (Polish), Sweden (Swedish), and the USA (English, Spanish). MINT has developed criteria for those wishing to apply to hold a MINT-Endorsed TNT.
If you are interested in learning where, when, and in what language TNTs will be offered in the near future, and to sign up to receive email notifications, go to our TNT Page.
Common Stepping Stones in the Pathway to MINT Membership
We would like to give you an example of what kind of educational steps could be taken to acquire competency in MI. The following examples should be seen as some of the elements to acquire the minimum requirements for application to a TNT, but no applicant is expected to have every one of these experiences. It is possible that some of the information requested might have been forgotten or might not be available. Applicants are encouraged to be thorough but apply even with missing information.
- Introductory training in Motivational Interviewing:
- Workshop: include trainer names, dates of training, number of contact hours and content and format of workshop
- University Course: include names of teachers, syllabus, location
- Workplace Training: include trainers’ names, contact hours content and format of the training process including supervision received.
- Ongoing MI Skill Development
- Intermediate and Advanced Workshops: include trainer names, number of contact hours and content and format of workshop
- Supervision and Coaching: include name of supervisor or coach and whether or not formal feedback of training samples was included. Include information on fidelity instruments used to evaluate your work sample(s) (MITI, MIA-Step, BECCI, etc.). Include an example of your feedback if you wish.
- Self-guided study: provide detailed information about your study plan and resources. Tell us how you received objective feedback about your performance.
- MI Training Experience (if applicable)
- Co-Training with a MINT member: include name of trainer and dates
- Types of MI training you have provided: describe in detail the level and depth of training you have provided, including any supervision or feedback you have provided to your trainees. Include documentation (syllabi, evaluations) that is relevant, if you wish.
- Research on MI (if applicable): include titles and abstracts of studies conducted, as well as contact details for supervisors and/or co-researchers.
We remind you that these are just examples of elements which may lead to competency in MI. Not each and every item will (or should) apply to all individuals. At the same time, we stress that knowledge of the method is necessary and competency in its application (supported by observed practice, supervision, coaching and fidelity measuring) should be clearly demonstrated before applying to a TNT. Applications without strong evidence of objective feedback from others as part of the learning process are less likely to be successful. Further, while we encourage learning from MINT members, we understand that many applicants will have other, sometimes excellent MI teachers and supervisors. Careful documentation of these mentors (contact information) will be useful in our review of the application
How Do I Apply for Participation in a TNT?
The application procedure for MINT-Sponsored TNTs
Applications to participate in MINT-sponsored TNTs are accepted electronically. About six months before the TNT workshop actually takes place, the application procedure opens. Announcements about opening of the procedure will be posted on the MINT website.
Applications to participate in a TNT include two components: 1) a written application and 2) a 20-minute recorded interview with a MINT-appointed standardized patient (SP)[1] which is reviewed by a MINT coder using the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity (MITI) coding system. Details for scheduling the SP interview are provided at the time of notification of the opening of applications. In some cases, interviews in languages other than English may be available.
Applicants are expected to answer all questions in the written application and provide the name and contact information for two MI trainers or supervisors who are familiar with their MI skills. Only when all questions are answered and the SP interview has been conducted is the application considered complete and eligible for review. Incomplete applications are not be reviewed. A confirmation of a completed application will be sent to the applicant.
Complete applications will be processed in the order received. Once an applicant has submitted their online form, they will have two weeks to submit their written application and schedule the SP interview. As soon as the maximum capacity of the TNT workshop, or the application deadline, is reached, the review process stops and the application website will indicate that additional applications will no longer be accepted. To avoid disappointment, it is important to complete the application as soon as possible once we open the process.
After 6 to 8 weeks, applicants will receive a notification about the outcome of the reviewing process. All applicants receive written feedback on their work sample, including a MITI coding summary sheet and a narrative paragraph providing guidance as to both strengths and areas for further growth in MI practice. In addition, the team of reviewers does its best to give further suggestions to unsuccessful applicants, so as to guide them toward improving any future application. There is an appeal process available to the unsuccessful applicant, details of which can be found in the application instructions.
[1] The SP is a live call role-play with one of our staff where you demonstrate your MI skills.
The Review Criteria
A team of reviewers made up of experienced TNT trainers evaluate all completed applications and recordings according to four general criteria. These criteria are posted on the MINT website, to allow applicants ample time to prepare their materials. They can also be found below.
The TNT workshop is designed specifically to provide and strengthen training skills for helping others learn MI. It will not teach the clinical method of MI itself; proficiency in delivering MI is a prerequisite for the TNT. Applicants are expected to have substantial experience in delivering and/or training MI and should be able to demonstrate ways in which they have developed and are continuing to develop skillfulness in the practice of MI through feedback and coaching.
To be clear, it is expected that applicants will be able to describe their experiences in ongoing learning of MI that include the ways in which they have learned, applied, and received supervision in their MI practice. Some experience with providing MI training workshops to teach others is recommended, but is not a requirement for acceptance into a TNT.
Applicants are expected to provide specific information about these types of experiences, along with contact information for the MI consultant(s) who have provided feedback and coaching. Applicants are expected to provide the names and contact details of two references who can comment on the applicant’s learning process and competency. It is assumed that the applicant has given permission to contact references provided.
Special consideration is made for individuals who are applying from geographical areas in which there is significant need for MI trainers, but where few resources are available to receive supervision on their MI practice.
The online application focuses on prior background and experience with MI. The exact wording of questions might vary, but applicants can expect to answer questions like the following:
- Describe your initial MI training experience (e.g., how, when and who taught you).
- For how long have you used MI, and in what settings(s) or population(s)?
- In what ways has your use of MI (spirit and techniques) enhanced your practice and/or training workshops?
- Describe what you have done to continue developing your proficiency with MI since your initial training. Emphasize experiences involving directly observed supervision of practice and any coding of practice samples on the MITI or similar instrument.
- Please provide email and telephone contact information for the MI trainer(s) who provided direct observation of your MI practice/work through supervision, training, coaching, feedback, etc., and who could describe your proficiency in the clinical method of MI. We may contact the persons you list for additional information.
- To whom and in what setting(s) do you anticipate training MI? Describe any experience you have already had with training others in MI.
- In addition to promoting quality in MI training, the MINT organization values generosity in sharing one’s expertise with other MINT members, and giving of one’s time and talents for the benefit of populations in need. In what ways might you express this value in your own work as a trainer?
The answers given to the application questions (of which the seven questions above are examples) provide the reviewers the material to evaluate the application, using the following four TEAM criteria:
Training. The applicant completed an initial MI training sequence that appears to provide reasonable coverage of core MI concepts.
Education. The applicant has sought out additional training and support to continue developing and demonstrating proficiency in the use of MI. Examples include receiving supervision, coaching, feedback; letter(s) from MI experts.
Application. The applicant demonstrated a breadth of clinical and/or training activity that would support developing skillfulness in the application of MI.
Merit. The applicant indicates consistency with MI spirit/philosophy in responses to questions as well as how the application of training skills will benefit others, and be of service to populations in need.
The reviewers then make a recommendation based on the TEAM ratings as well as the review of the work sample.
Your Application is Accepted - Now What?
As soon as the review team has reached the decision to accept an application, the applicant will be informed.
Subsequently, the applicant will be invited to attend the next TNT and submit the TNT registration fee within the specified timeframe. It should be noted that only accepted applicants will be invited to pay registration fees and that only prompt payment of the registration fees will ensure the applicant a place in the TNT. We will not hold or save your place in the workshop.
Registration fees are set to meet the expenses of the event. Expenses are kept as low as reasonably possible. (NOTE: TNT trainers, training assistants, and application evaluators receive no fees for their work.) The registration fee for applicants from Group 1 countries is typically between $1200 and $1800 US for the 3-day TNT, depending on location. There may be a registration fee discount available for countries outside Group 1. This information is provided at the time of registration.
In addition, you may be qualified for financial assistance for registration fees and expenses associated with attending a TNT. This assistance is available for a limited number of applicants who can demonstrate financial need. Applications for awards from the MINT Public Service Fund for the purposes of assisting such applicants will be available at the application website.
Prior to the actual TNT, the trainers’ team will contact accepted applicants with preparatory information and possibly some suggestions or requests for specific preparatory tasks.
TNT workshops will often have 80 to 120 participants, divided into 2 or 3 core groups of approximately 40 participants each. Each core group will have two TNT head trainers and two supporting trainers, which makes the trainer-participant ratio 1:10.
Participants cannot select their core group. The trainers’ team will divide all participants over the various core groups, keeping in mind a reasonable representation according to gender, nationality and field of expertise.
TNT participants are expected to attend the full 3 days of the program and therefore should make sure that they arrive at the venue on time and, while there, plan their days in such a way that they will not miss any of the sessions. Only those who have attended the full program, from start to finish, will receive a certificate of attendance and become eligible to join MINT.
Being a Member of MINT
Membership in MINT connects you to more than 1,700 MINT members all over the world. MINT’s website has a ‘members only’ section that provides for direct communication with all other MINT members through MINT’s “eForum” and gives access to a large and ever-growing collection of research materials, newsletters and training materials. Membership also allows you to register for the annual MINT Forum, where members gather in-person and virtually for five days each year, and to be listed as a MINT member in the trainer listings on the MINT website. New members are invited to receive mentoring as a trainer through our “MINT+” program, and to contribute to the life of the organization through membership in MINT’s committees and in time MINT’s leadership.
Members of MINT remain members in good standing by paying annual dues. Currently, annual dues for members residing in Group 1 countries are $130 US; members in Group 1 countries for whom that amount would be onerous are permitted to pay a no-questions-asked discounted dues rate. Dues are $52, $39, and $26 for members in Group 2, 3, and 4 countries, respectively. Annual dues are collected 15 September through 15 December.
Members of MINT may describe themselves as a "Member of MINT" or "Member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers." Members may not include "MINT" after their name in an email signature or public communication, or otherwise imply that they have been approved or credentialed by MINT as a result of their membership. Other than to indicate their status as a member of MINT, members are asked to avoid using the name of MINT to promote commercial activity or otherwise imply unique qualifications.
Members of MINT are permitted to use the MINT logo on their professional websites for the sole purpose of linking to the MINT website. Members may not use the MINT logo in email signatures, business cards, advertisements for training, training materials or certificates, or any other purpose that is their private enterprise and not endorsed, official MINT business.
Membership in MINT neither certifies trainers as competent in MI nor licenses them to train MI. As part of the organization’s commitment to providing ongoing professional development for its members, MINT offers members the opportunity to become certified as an MI trainer through a rigorous evaluation of the quality of their MI training. A practitioner certification program is under development. It should be noted that successful completion of either practitioner or trainer certification will not constitute a lifetime MINT “seal of approval” to practice or train MI. Experience has shown that, as with any set of skills, MI practitioners and trainers need to stay active and continue to receive feedback in order to continue to provide high quality service. The MI learning journey tends to be a lifelong one.
Members in good standing who have successfully completed MINT's trainer certification process may identify themselves as "MINT Certified Trainers" or “MINT Certified MI Trainers”. They are also permitted to use the phrase “MINT Certified Trainer” or “MINT Certified MI Trainer” to accompany the MINT logo on their professional websites.
MINT members are not permitted to accredit, certify or license their students/trainees or supervisees based on the fact that they themselves are members of MINT. If MINT members in their capacity as trainers or coaches make any statements about the competency of their students/participants, it is expected that they will clearly state how an objective, internationally recognized metric or instrument (for instance, the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity (MITI) scale) has contributed to these evaluations. Merely having attended any workshop or educational program in MI does not constitute a valid basis for a declaration of competency.
In Summary
Completing a TNT and becoming a member of MINT is a major milestone in the continued learning of how to become a better MI trainer. Hundreds of members are ready to volunteer their time and expertise in order to assist you on your journey toward your MI training goals and/or MINT membership. To learn more about mentorship opportunities, contact admin@motivationalinterviewing.org.
If you would like to contact a MINT member in your area, please search the MI website at www.motivationalinterviewing.org under Trainer Listings.
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