The advanced level workshop allows Motivational Interviewing-trained offers criminal justice, health care and social service practitioners to review and expand on the practice of MI treatment approaches toward effective therapeutic interventions.
The advanced level workshop allows Motivational Interviewing-trained offers criminal justice, health care and social service practitioners to review and expand on the practice of MI treatment approaches toward effective therapeutic interventions.
Advancing Motivational Interviewing Skills and Practice
This 2-day workshop aims to consolidate learning, deepen skills acquisition and increase understanding of using Motivational Interviewing in practice. It is designed for people who have attended an Introductory MI workshop previously.
Course Description
Enterprise Centre, University of Derby, Derby, UK
Category title:
Event language:
Please note the two day training is on non-consecutive days to allow practice and refection between sessions.
Ce courriel est pour vous inviter, les 2, 3 et 4 octobre prochains, au Centre St-Pierre (Montréal), à une formation avancée portant sur les quatre processus de l’entretien motivationnel. Celle-ci a été développée et sera animée par Denise Ernst et Patrick Berthiaume. S’appuyant sur les plus récentes recherches, cette formation s’adresse aux personnes possédant une grande connaissance de l’entretien motivationnel.
This workshop is for professionals who already practice MI skills in their work. Participants in this training will have the opportunity to discuss their clinical challenges, to receive feedback on their skills from peer learners, and to find one’s own voice within the style of Motivational Interviewing.