
YoshikiAoki's picture

MI Trainer Presentation

Psychiatric social worker / Suicide Postvention / Bereavement care / A member of Suicide-loss survivors group in my Catholic church / A member of AAS (American Association of Suicidology) / Photographer
Business Information
Business name: 
Yoshiki Aoki
Address line 1: 
Chiyoda-ku, Koujimachi 6-5-1 Tokyo
Address line 2: 
Roman Catholic St.Ignatius Church
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More About Me

About Me

Yoshiki Aoki  Last Update was on October 24th, 2024.

He had been practicing MI for the suicide survivor group in my Catholic Church as a non-profit psychiatric social worker who lost his mother by suicide on August 28th, 2001. Bereavement care for suicide-loss survivors is deeply important to him on both a professional level and personally, as the literature and his experience in this arena confirm we can guide the bereaved toward re-adaptive behaviors in their future. He has also had the opportunity to present and co-present at conferences on the related topic: “Self-Disclosure of Suicide-Loss Survivors” (MINT Forum in 2017-2021). After the presentation at the MINT Forum in Dublin in 2017, he founded a team MIBC (Motivational Interviewing for Bereavement Care).

In 2018, at the New Orleans MINT Forum, after providing his related presentation that cooperated with other members who live in Bulgaria and the USA, Bill Miller suggested to him the field of postvention bereavement care and MI would be related to Post post-traumatic growth (PTG) with additional research being needed. Also through personal interaction with Bill after that, those interactions and conversations spurred him to connect with other interested colleagues and continue to research how the use of MI in suicide-loss survivors' groups and clinical settings can lend to cultivating re-adaptive behaviors. In 2018, colleagues Kathlynn Northrup-Snyder, Jodi Startup, and other MIBC members developed the workshop from a paper we are looking to publish to contribute to the field of MI and PTG. The MIBC members including those who belong outside the organization of MINT see this application of MI as one of the effective approaches for supporting the bereaved.

In 2019, at the Tallinn MINT Forum, MIBC provided more expanded workshops on the above. After that, Bill and he could talk while walking in the city of Tallinn in person. Then, they exchanged our perspectives, including my specific research questions that MIBC should try to proceed for the future. During this period, he could meet on lunch to talk with Ju-Lu Kuo who is a specialist in Palliative Coaching for Chronic and Seriously.

In 2021, in MINT Forum Virtual, they also provided a workshop in line with the contents of our paper that they try to publish in the future.  

If you are interested in this field, please join their Facebook group which can be found at the following address :

The official homepage of our team is https://mibc.carrd.co/

Motivational Interviewing for Bereavement Care   https://www.facebook.com/groups/365610187550986/

Also, another key professional interest was being an active part of a group of official photographers in church for a long term.  This work involves taking photos of weddings, landscapes, snapshots, and Masses with the special permission of the Catholic Church. Photography for him is a way to communicate which can overcome language barriers, and promote social inclusion. If you would like commemorative photos while here at MINT please call him at the PSF counter to arrange a time. 

He made presentations and workshops about this specific MI-related area "bereavement care of suicide-loss survivors" at the MINT Forum in Dublin in 2017,2018,2019,2021,2023 in-person abroad (Dublin, New Orleans, Tallinn, Copenhagen), and online.  

After that, he also has been providing various presentations for MI practitioners and others who are interested in this academic field. The whole of his activities are done while he has been working as a general officer of the city office in Tokyo. He is refusing his promotion to keep time and freedom so that he can keep his own activities with higher priority.

His growth as a private researcher/MI practitioner in line with his biographies based on his own experiences as a suicide-loss survivor is as follows.

1994-         Started working as a general clerk for the City Office of Tokyo. (18y/o)

                  Most of my career as a general clerk was brushed with my experiences at the counters, telephone skills, and budget planning. 

                  The main experienced divisions were Information System Division, Preparing Care Insurance Division, Child and Family Welfare Division, Branch Offices, and Health Care Center.  

1994           Experienced staying in a private home based on spirituality and deep human love for about 4 days in Arizona, USA

1999     B.A., Economics, Tokyo Keizai University, Evening Division 2 

2001.8.28.  Lost his mother by suicide. (25y/o)

2008     He was diagnosed with PTSD. 

2010-         Started participating in a suicide-loss survivors group that St.Ignatius Church In Tokyo provides. (From the middle term, as a staff. Currently, it is inactive by COVID-19.) / As a private photographer started photo services for his Catholic church.

2010-         Started participating as a group worker/ staff in a faith-sharing group "Follow-up course" for newly baptized persons for his Catholic church.  

2013-         Psychiatric Social Worker (PSW: Japanese national qualification)

2013.8.27.  Accomplished a non-degree course "The Social Context of Mental Health and Illness" Univ. Tronto via Coursera. He selected this course because the contents are necessary to the actual activities of PSW.

2014-2015  Responsible for partial translation of TNT Japanese manual 2015 

2015-         MINT member / Started a MI learners group with another Japanese member (Izumi Sezai) for the local area (Toko-Yama)

2016.1        Provided a presentation about suicide-loss survivors and the growth at MINF (Motivational Interviewing Network of Facilitators) @ Yokohama

2016           Explored graduate school. Found it difficult to pay tuition with a general city officer's income and a lack of workplace understanding regarding commuting to school. Abandoned pursuit of psychology.

2016.2-       Starting to participate in the MI learners group (MMiC) to discuss training methods, and to start to provide actual pieces of training.

2016.4-12   Starting to participate in the group of translators for REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy)

2016.8        Experience staying in a private home based on spirituality and deeply human love for about 4 days in Minnesota, USA 

2017.1        Provided a presentation at MINF (Motivational Interviewing Network of Facilitators) @ Nagoya

2017.3        Provided a presentation at JAMI (Japan Association of Motivational Interviewing) 

2017.10.6   Provided a presentation at MINT Forum @ Dublin, 2017 / Founding a team MIBC (Motivational Interviewing for Bereavement Care) The title was “Suicide Postvention: How MI Can Help with Bereavement”.

2017-2019  Facilitator of workshops related to MI at various academic conferences around Japan. 

2018.1        Provided a presentation at MINF (Motivational Interviewing Network of Facilitators) @ Yokohama

2018.11.3.  Provided a presentation at MINT Forum @ New Orleans, 2018 (with other members from the USA and Bulgaria) 

                  Provided photo services for PSF. The title was “Use of Self Disclosure in Motivational Interviewing”.

2019.2-      Started MIBC meetings regularly with members via ZOOM. 

2019.9.28.  Provided a workshop at MINT Forum with MIBC members@ Tallinn, 2019 "How can MI promote Self-Disclosure of suicide survivors?" 

                  Provided photo services for PSF. 

2019.11.7.  Provided an extension lecture on grief care institute at Sophia University, Tokyo

2019.12.22.- AAS (American Association of Suicidology) member

2020.6.13., 2020.6.18.,2020.6.20., Attended AAS professional sessions.  

2020.9.15. Attended MINT Board of Directors Listening Session #1

2020.9.21. Translated in English guideline of  "What to do if a Patient Dies by Suicide: Guidelines for Professionals"  to Japanese that QPR provided on their homepage.

2020.10.3. Attended a course that AAS provided "The TAPS three-phase Postvention Model: A Roadmap Towards Post Traumatic Growth"

2021.1.23. Provided a slot of "Conversation Cafe" @ MINT Forum online. 

2021.1.25. Provided a workshop for the MINT Forum with MIBC members. The title was "Readaption After Loss; Building Social Inclusion and Post-Traumatic Growth Using an MI Lens"

2021.2.13.-14.; 2.20.-21. Attended REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy) international conference.

2021.4. & 5.  Attended AAS conference slots.

2021.6.5. Started participating in MI peer learners group with abroad practitioners.

2021.6.6. Started providing an abstract reading session of the book "Effective Psychotherapists" in the English version. (With a Japanese MI learners small group)  

2021.6.13. Attended "Healing After Suicide Loss Conference 2021"

2021.7.10.  Attended a slot about CPTSD & Schema therapy in The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for the Study of Depression & The 21st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Therapy and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy 

2021.7.22-23  Participated in MINT Around The Clock (As a presenter with Heather Lynch, on July 22, we provided a workshop.)

2021.7.24-25  Participated in AAS conference slots including "Planning for Safety and Post-traumatic Growth".  

2021.9.9.    Accomplished a QPR Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Program in the USA.  

2021.9.22.  Provided a presentation and work "Learning to Grieve; You Can Do It Too, What is Postvention for Suicide?" for the Japanese Industrial Counselor's learner's group.

2021.9.23.  Participated in a webinar "Wounded Healers: Trauma Impact and Self-Care" that Safer Society Press provided.

2021.9.23-  Started to participate in the meetings of the MIAC committee (MI across cultures).

2021.10.9.  Accomplished a non-degree course "Psychological First Aid" at Johns Hopkins University via Coursera. I selected this course because "PFA" is related to PTG deeply and our team MIBC is proceeding with research activities.

2021.10.12-14.  Participated in the "Oregon Suicide Prevention Conference 2021". I could expand my perspectives via interactions with presenters by questions based on my own experiences as a suicide loss survivor who became a PSW.

2021.10.26.  Became a candidate for the Board of MINT Directors. To promote social inclusion, I will try to bring realistic voices and thoughts that are based on our daily lives to the next generations of the Board.

2021.11.13.  Provided a small session of Information exchange meeting on AI services for Japanese MI practitioners. 

2021.11.19.  Provided a slot about social inclusion with MIAC members for the plenary session on the MINT Virtual Forum.

2021.11.19.  Accomplished the fundamental course that was National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry provided as specialized training in PTSD countermeasures.

2021.11.27.  Completed "Training for staff members of the Online Sharing Group for suicide-loss survivors" which is held by Japan Suicide Countermeasures Promotion Center (JSCP)

2021.12.2.    He was selected as a MINT Board member (2022-2025) based on the election. 

2021.12.4.    Achieved a training of a webinar that the Safer Society office & David Prescott provided, "Complex Trauma: Boundaries and Ethics".

2021.12.11.  Although rejected, our team MIBC submitted a Paper Draft to a journal. The meetings that we had been had constantly every month will be held in line with seeking another journal.

2021.12.16-17.  Accomplished the application course that was National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry provided as specialized training in PTSD countermeasures.

2021.12.17.  Accomplished Stress, Trauma, and Resilience Training (December) Webinar training that Businesses Ending Slavery and Trafficking (BEST) provided.

2021.12.31.  Provided a MI learning session for Japanese MI practitioners/learners including MINT members by using Bill Miller's presentation on the MINT Virtual Forum 2.0, which was transcripted by Otter AI and using a DeepL translator. 

2022.1.29.   Completed "Training of the online sharing groups for the suicide-loss survivors of the youth ages." which is held by the Japan Suicide Countermeasures Promotion Center (JSCP)

2022.3.12.   Provided a presentation and opportunities to discuss at the JAMI (Japan Association of Motivational Interviewing). The title was "How to promote social inclusion? - With the background & the actual attempts to use AI services to beyond the languages."

2022.4.28-29  Attended AAS(American Association of Suicidology) annual conferences' slots online. 

2022.6.8. Lecture on MI was given at the National Center for Psychiatric Research and CBT Center. The target audience is young researchers, domestic medical institutions, and universities. The theme was How to become a MINT member? and on exploring the possibility of MI facilitating PTG for suicide survivors.

2022.7.21. National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, National Institute of Neurology and Psychiatry, 9th Training Course on PFA and Psychological Response to Disaster Accomplished.

2022.7.21-28. Participated in JSTSS Japan Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 

2022.7.30-31. Completed NCNP (National Center for cognitive behavior Therapy and Research ) provided for specialists. training workshop on Cognitive Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression

2022.8.6. Meeting with the Board liaison for the Communications Committee

2022.8.20. Attended in 2022 Suicide Prevention Summit Live Session "Posttraumatic Growth After Suicide Loss Across the Lifespan"

2022.10.18-22. Attended MINT Forum Virtual sessions.

2022.11.10  Provided a presentation on MI and TIC, PTG at a MI study group in the welfare area in Japan.

2022.11.25  Completed PTSD treatment training at the National Institute of Mental Health

2022.12.4  TNT Report Conference Attendance with Japanese MI Population.

2023.1.15  Provide a study session with the Japanese MINT member group using slides translated into Japanese from the presentation Bill provided at the MINT Forum in October 2022.

2023.2.3   Accomplished training of CPT (Cognitive Process Therapy) for trauma which NCNP (National Center for cognitive behavior Therapy and Research ) provided for specialists.

2023.2.9   A preliminary studying session was provided with a co-presenter for the content of the presentation to be given at JAMI in March. The theme was How MI can promote TIC (Trauma-Informed Care), and PTG (Post Traumatic Growth)?

2023.3.19. Presented a MI workshop for Kobe area PSWs with another Japanese MINT member Noriko Serizawa online.

2023.2.23. Online collaboration on respiratory care conference prep sessions conducted by Japanese MINT member, Asuka Asano.  

2023.3.11. Provided a presentation which has the title name "'Directions in Assisting Traumatized Individuals' - How MI Contributes to Facilitating TIC (Trauma Informed Care) and PTG (Post Traumatic Growth)" with a Japanese MI practitioner who is a designated psychiatrist at the Annual Meeting of JAMI (Japan Association of Motivational Interviewing).

2023.5.2.-6. As a host member of the MINT Board member, attended the retreat in Kawagoe.

2023.5.29-  Started to attend the group as an annotation team member for building up an AI system to train others using MITI with other Japanese MINT members. 

2023.6.4.   Completed the 2023 training course for the care of suicide attempters "1st General First Aid Course".

2023.7.29. Participated as one of the facilitators in a motivational interviewing course organized by the Chiba Pharmaceutical Association, with 100 participants via ZOOM. Facilitated one breakout room with about 25 participants with another facilitator.

2023.8.1-2 Visited Amakusa area (Kumamoto Pref.) to be invited by the medical doctor who has a small clinic in the high de-population area Amakusa, and he is providing home care services toward the population who has including interactive diseases (ex.ALS). I Provided holistic (spiritual) care as a Mental health Social Worker who can cooperate with other professionals (nurses, public health nurses, and doctors).

2023.8.5-6  Attended the conference of the Japanese Society of Traumatic Stress Studies at Ariake (Tokyo) in person.

2023.8.17 Started attending to Amakusa MI studying group via ZOOM as an invited supervisor.

2023.9.10- Re-started MIBC-J discussion activities (as MIBC Japanese version with some Japanese MI practitioners) to discuss the feasibility of MI for the bereavement care as MIBC team.

2023.10.17-21. Participated in the MINT Forum @Copenhagen and provided a workshop whose content is "How Motivational Interviewing Can Contribute to Promoting Post-Traumatic Growth after the Suicide Loss" with team MIBC.

2023.11.11.  Participated in a Death Conference @ Amakusa via ZOOM.

2023.12.30.  As an end-of-year project, a debriefing session on the MINT Forum@Copenhagen was held on ZOOM for MI learners in Japan.

2024.1.21.  Found his father who passed away at the birth house located in Tokyo on 19th January 2024.  

2024.1.21  Took the bereavement off for about 10 days for his workplace, and for a while for the activities of a MINT Board member.

The MINT activities took leave with cooperation and understanding for a while to recover. 

2024.2.9. Accomplished one-day training in "Cognitive Processing Therapy" for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Practice Training (1-day training) that NCNP (National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry (NCNP) provided.

2024.2.10.  Participated in a Death Conference @ Amakusa via ZOOM.

2024.3.16.  At JAMI (Japan Association of Motivational Interviewing) in person at Matuzawa Hospital in Tokyo, provided a presentation about the hypothesis and the feasibility of post-traumatic Growth related to MI based on his own experiences and the MINT Forum workshop in the past. 

2024.4.1.  Restoring his activities of the MINT Board gradually from the bereavement leaves.

2024.8.4   Provided a presentation "A guidance to NZ MINT Forum" via ZOOM. 

2024.9.15 Submitted the application documents to the Social Worker Registration Board of NZ. (The process is ongoing currently.)

2024,10.3 Provided a workshop with teamMIBC at MINT Forum @ Christchurch in person. The title is "Exploring options of MI responses in trauma-informed cases using a post-traumatic growth focus."

Service Information
Services offered: 
Advanced training
Training for Groups
Area of practice: 
Mental Health
Organisational Change
Trainer Statement
  • MI is an effective way for Trauma Informed Care and Posttraumatic Growth (PTG) in suicide postvention. My life history has evidence as a survivor, researcher, and practitioner. 
  • My goal is to be a "Wounded Healer" as Henri Nouwen noted. 
  • Founder of MIBC (Motivational Interviewing for Bereavement Care) team
Training Interests
suicide postvention / bereavement care / meditation / pastoral care / spiritual care / catharsis / self-disclosure / PTG (Posttraumatic Growth)/ TIC (Trauma-informed care) / PTSD treatment / trauma care / holistic care / QPR / gate keeper
Training language 1: 
Training language 2: 


Member for
9 years 10 months
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